19 November 2012

Observing Report: High Powered Viewing + Moon

Tonight was a great night! I went out at 7:45 and did 30 minutes of Lunar observing. Transparency was poor but seeing was good. I saw the Apollo 11 landing sight close up at 250x with my new adjustment ring. I also saw Armstrong, Collins, and Aldrin craters. I used Turn Left at Orion for narrowing in on spots on the moon. The moon is still one of my favorite objects to observe. I then turned to Jupiter, one of the best views I’ve ever gotten out of the planet. It looked great at 250x. The Great Red Spot and four of Jupiter’s moons were clearly visible, and cloud belts were easily seen. I was going to wait another half an hour for Orion to rise above the trees, but things started dewing up and my telescope was soaking wet. Tonight was fun and I can’t wait for later this winter.

Here's tonight's picture of the moon. 1/500 sec., ISO 400.