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12 August 2012
Perseid Meteor Shower!
Tonight was a huge success! I not only made my first night sky time-lapse video, I also observed more than three dozen meteors from the annual Perseid meteor shower. At 8:45pm I went out and set my Sony A300 DSLR on a tripod pointed East. I took 75 pictures, 15 sec. each, ISO 1600. I then loaded them on my laptop and created a time-lapse movie. I went back out at about 10:30pm to go meteor watching. I saw 37 meteors from 10:30pm to 12:00am. About half of this time I was fully focused on looking East, so I probably could have seen more. I also got an amazing look at the Milky Way near zenith. Tonight was an amazing night, I'm definitely looking forward to more meteor showers!