29 July 2012

A Sun and Moon: July 29, 2012

I took some more pictures of the sun and moon today. I'm still trying to get the hang of processing the sun in Photoshop. I followed a tutorial on Stargazer's Lounge forum, I like the detail of it but I want to improve the color. The exposure is 1/1250 sec, ISO 200. I'm happy with the moon picture. I was able to add some more contrast as the phase gets closer to full. It is a little less exposed than last night's picture, especially around the limb. I originally took 10 shots, hoping to stack in Registax. I couldn't get them aligned right so I'll have to work on that. Exposure was 1/800 sec, ISO 200. Both images were single shots. I'm looking forward to taking some more pictures the next few days, especially of the sun, and make a sunspot evolution GIF animation.

And I highly encourage you to watch and support this upcoming documentary, Fight for Space.