16 May 2012

Observing Report May 16, 2012

Tonight was a spectacular short session. I went out at about 9:30pm. Good seeing, and limited naked-eye magnitude was about 5. My Baader Hyperion 8mm came today and I was eager to test it out. First, I pointed to Saturn and was once again stunned by the rings, the 8mm Hyperion increased the magnification to 150x while keeping the wide 68* FOV and crystal clear quality. It was a good $140 investment. I managed to observe Saturn’s first and second largest moon Titan and Rhea, as well as water-ice Tethys, and Dione. Dione was a first. Next I swung over to Hercules to try M13. It was absolutely incredible and very easy to find and see. Views were better with the 8mm and I could resolve individual stars. Averted vision definitely helped, and I can’t believe I was looking at hundreds of thousands of stars 25,000 light years away. I then observed M92, which was another bright Glob, not quite M13 like though. I called it a night at about 10:00pm. Tonight was great, I logged another moon, and two more Messier objects.

(I did not take these pictures)

