05 July 2013

Observing Report: Saturn for the First Time this Year

I wanted to get a quick look at Saturn tonight. I put the ‘scope out at 8:30pm and let it cool for about an hour. I went out around 9:30pm. I used Sky Safari Plus on my iPhone and quickly located Saturn next to Spica in the South-western sky. I had my 21mm Baader Hyperion eyepiece in. I was stunned when I saw it for the first time in 2013. I remember the first time I ever saw it last year, and it had almost the same wow factor seeing it again. I popped in my 8mm Baader Hyperion to get a closer view. I was able to make out the Cassini division. For an even closer look I put in my 28mm adjustment ring. I was amazed as I saw the Cassini division and even some textures in the clouds. Despite average seeing, it was one of the most detailed views I’ve ever gotten of the ringed planet.

I did not take this picture