20 September 2012

Finally Observed all of the Planets: Observing Report

Tonight was my first night out in almost a month. I went out at about 8:00pm and had seven objects on my observing list. First, was the moon, which was a very nice crescent. I hadn’t seen it through a telescope in a while. Then I went to find Neptune, the only planet I have yet to observe! After about 10 minutes, I distinguished it from the background stars. I have seen all eight planets through my telescope! After Neptune, I went on to M2. It took me a little while because I’m not use to the September sky, but I found it. M3 was a short distance away, an easy find. M72 and M73 were on my list, but they were low in the Eastern sky and it wasn’t quite dark enough to see them. Tonight was a great night, and hopefully I’ll start getting out more. Two new Messier’s and I’ve finally observed all the planets!


01 September 2012